How to order

Ordering Prescription Medicines

Ordering prescription medicines is a little harder than ordering over the counter products because we are required by law to receive an original copy of the prescription before we can dispense a Schedule 4 (prescription only) medicine. We are sure that you will find the small amount of extra effort required on your behalf will be rewarded by our low prices and excellent service.

The steps required to obtain a prescription medicine for your pet are as follows:

  1. To make it easier for your vet, take a copy (or several copies) of our prescription request to your next visit, or alternatively ask your vet to write a prescription the next time they would like to dispense a medicine.
  2. Once you have the prescription, you can find the medicine listed in our inventory and follow the checkout process as listed above. If you have any doubts about which item to add to your cart, or can't find the item in our inventory, give us a call or send us an email and we can help you out.
  3. After you have paid for the order you will need to send us the prescription. Please mail the original copy of the prescription to:
  4. May you please send an email to confirming that you have posted the prescription and provide us with a phone number to contact you if we have any questions. It would also be helpful if you could attach a copy of the prescription to the email.

    Once we have received the prescription, we will dispense the order the same day as the prescription was received.

    To speed up the ordering process we may supply on an electronic copy of the prescription from the prescribing veterinarian via their fax or email. Once we have an electronic copy of the prescription, we will be able to ship the order to you, but we MUST STILL receive the ORIGINAL PRESCRIPTION by MAIL within seven days.

  1. Please Post Prescriptions To ( Please send express )

           Oveds Pty Ltd

           53 St Patrick Av

           Kuraby 4112